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A Call To Action – Get Up! Get Dress!

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

The phrase,“Get Up and Get Dress” was instructed to me from a close friend of mines. This was the first time I have ever heard of this action phrase but do we actually understand what it means. Some of our understanding of the command to be in the literal sense of getting up and getting dress.

Now since I had time to ponder on this figure of speech I realize that it can mean different things to each one of us, depending on where we are in terms of our life or the situation or challenge that we are currently faced with even dealing with a pandemic.


Thinking about this phrase reminds me of the current state of the world we live in – some of us are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained of their virtual power. They remain stuck in house due to this demon called the Coronavirus. This virus is preventing some of us from Getting up and Getting Dress. They continue on with their lives hiding behind the masks and social distancing themselves from others. They continue going to work, stores and even take vacations but when it comes to the House of God they seem to have forgotten about Jesus just like the man in the story.

There seems to be a lot of excuses of why they choose to stay in their state of mind. I do believe a lot of this has to do with fear of the unknown. Several people has lost there jobs, bills are piled up high, senseless murders, the death toll due to the virus was towering out of control and to top it off there is now a rise of hate crimes, just to name a few.

To make matters worst, when we remember why we are in this predicament in the first place we just roll back over in the bed with our pajamas on, lay down and nurse wounds of the past, disappointment and hurts, while some too overwhelmed with the challenges, fall off to sleep wallowing in self pity.

My Testimony

I remember in 2019 when I was instructed at work together my belongings quickly leave the premises, take our laptops, cords and everything we would need to work from home. I was clueless of what was going on. All the restaurants closed their doors, grocery stores ran out of food and to top it off there was no toilet tissue to be found. I went straight into Panic Mode! Now we are told that we are restricted to leave our homes only the essentials and one person from the household can shop for groceries. This is when I learned about this Demon the Coronavirus. I was terrified to leave my house and to interact with anyone. I stayed glued to the TV and watched the death rate rise due to this virus. I tried everything in my power to keep my household safe. When the restrictions was lifted I still was in the state of Panic. Now there are people rooming the streets and racial riots are on the rise. I remember shouting out to the LORD WHAT IS GOING ON! I finally decided to go to my family doctor for a wellness check up, just to make sure that I was all right. My worst fear happens, I contracted the virus from a sick man that walked into the doctor office and sat right next to me. What do I do now!! To top it off I received a $1900 billed from the lab for my Coronavirus test. All of my hormone levels was off the chart, my A1C jumped from 4.5 to 7.0. and my household is in disarray.

I have a very good support group of friends that listen to me in my distress. One of my friends do not know what she did for me when she told me to Get UP and Get DRESS! Get up and get dress to me was like take up your mat and walk.


This call to action is to get rid of every dead weight and hindrances that are besetting us and preventing us from walking and embracing the purpose for our lives.

We must first Inwardly die to self – outwardly we use anything like getting dress as an easy way of getting out of doing what is needed for us to doe. We must die to self daily.

Next we must leave behind old perceptions and deceptions. There are so many obstacles in our lives that would try to block the plans for your life.

We need to get rid of habits and attitudes that are self-serving and is out of alignment with the will and plan for you.

Disconnect from your old passe, your old culture, and even family members so that you can push for what you believe in is true for your destiny.

Finally get up and do something productive that will allow you to put your gifts and talents to good use.

It is my prayer that this message of faith and hope have inspired you to have a different outlook on life. Let us help our brothers and sisters to get up, get dress, and walk!

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